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DEBUG - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.BuildConfig
difference(RealPoint, RealPoint) - Static method in class com.jsevy.adxf.RealPoint
DIRECTION_LTR - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Flag for drawTextRun indicating left-to-right run direction.
DIRECTION_RTL - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Flag for drawTextRun indicating right-to-left run direction.
dotProduct(RealPoint, RealPoint) - Static method in class com.jsevy.adxf.RealPoint
drawArc(RectF, float, float, boolean, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified arc, which will be scaled to fit inside the specified oval.
drawARGB(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Fill the entire page (restricted to the current clip) with the specified ARGB color.
drawBitmap(Bitmap, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified bitmap, with its top/left corner at (x,y), using the specified paint, transformed by the current matrix.
drawBitmap(Bitmap, Rect, RectF, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified bitmap, scaling/translating automatically to fill the destination rectangle.
drawBitmap(Bitmap, Rect, Rect, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified bitmap, scaling/translating automatically to fill the destination rectangle.
drawBitmap(int[], int, int, float, float, int, int, boolean, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Treat the specified array of colors as a bitmap, and draw it.
drawBitmap(int[], int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Legacy version of drawBitmap(int[] colors, ...) that took ints for x,y Unsupported; ignored if called
drawBitmap(Bitmap, Matrix, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the bitmap using the specified matrix.
drawBitmapMesh(Bitmap, int, int, float[], int, int[], int, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the bitmap through the mesh, where mesh vertices are evenly distributed across the bitmap.
drawCircle(float, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified circle using the specified paint.
drawColor(int) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Fill the entire page (restricted to the current clip) with the specified color.
drawColor(int, PorterDuff.Mode) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Fill the entire page (restricted to the current clip) with the specified color and porter-duff xfermode.
drawLine(float, float, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw a line segment with the specified start and stop x,y coordinates, using the specified paint.
drawLines(float[], int, int, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw a series of lines.
drawLines(float[], Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Helper method for drawLines for the common case where all points are to be used.
drawOval(RectF, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified oval using the specified paint.
drawPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Fill the entire page (restricted to the current clip) with the specified paint.
drawPatch(Bitmap, byte[], RectF, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Not supported; throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
drawPath(Path, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Not supported; throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
drawPicture(Picture) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Currently unsupported; throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
drawPicture(Picture, RectF) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Currently unsupported; throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
drawPicture(Picture, Rect) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Currently unsupported; throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
drawPoint(float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Helper for drawPoints() for drawing a single point.
drawPoints(float[], int, int, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw a series of points.
drawPoints(float[], Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Helper for drawPoints() that assumes you want to draw the entire array
drawPosText(char[], int, int, float[], Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the text in the array, with each character's origin specified by the pos array, using the typeface and size in the specified Paint.
drawPosText(String, float[], Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the text in the array, with each character's origin specified by the pos array, using the typeface and size in the specified Paint.
drawRect(RectF, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified Rect using the specified paint.
drawRect(Rect, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified Rect using the specified Paint.
drawRect(float, float, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified Rect using the specified paint.
drawRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Fill the entire page (restricted to the current clip) with the specified RGB color.
drawRoundRect(RectF, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified round-rect using the specified paint.
drawSpline(Canvas, int, float[], int[], boolean, float, Paint) - Static method in class com.jsevy.adxf.BSpline
An extension method that supports the drawing of a B-spline.
drawSpline(int, float[], int[], boolean, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
An extension method that supports the drawing of a B-spline.
drawText(char[], int, int, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the typeface and size in the specified paint.
drawText(String, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the typeface and size in the specified paint.
drawText(String, int, int, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the typeface and size in the specified paint.
drawText(CharSequence, int, int, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the specified range of text, specified by start/end, with its origin at (x,y), using the typeface and size in the specified paint.
drawTextOnPath(char[], int, int, Path, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), along the specified path, using the typeface and size in the specified Paint.
drawTextOnPath(String, Path, float, float, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), along the specified path, using the typeface and size in the specified Paint.
drawTextRun(char[], int, int, int, int, float, float, int, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Currently unsupported; throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
drawTextRun(CharSequence, int, int, int, int, float, float, int, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Currently unsupported; throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
drawVertices(Canvas.VertexMode, int, float[], int, float[], int, int[], int, short[], int, int, Paint) - Method in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Draw the array of vertices, interpreted as triangles (based on mode).
DXF_STROKE_CAP_BUTT - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Constants for stroke cap operators
DXF_STROKE_CAP_PROJECTING_SQUARE - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
DXF_STROKE_CAP_ROUND - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
DXF_STROKE_JOIN_BEVEL - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
DXF_STROKE_JOIN_MITER - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Constants for stroke join operators
DXF_STROKE_JOIN_ROUND - Static variable in class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
DXFArc - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Graphical entity representing a circular arc.
DXFArc(RealPoint, float, double, double, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFArc
Create a circular arc from the specified parameters.
DXFCanvas - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
The Android ADXF library provides support for generation of DXF files for use with CAD programs using standard Android "draw" commands.
DXFCanvas(DXFDocument) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Construct a canvas for DXF drawing into the specified DXF document.
DXFCanvas(Bitmap) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCanvas
Not supported; throws UnsupportedOperationException
DXFCanvas.EdgeType - Enum in com.jsevy.adxf
DXFCircle - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
DXFCircle(RealPoint, float, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFCircle
* Create a circular arc from the specified parameters.
DXFColor - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class providing static methods for handling colors of entities in DXF file.
DXFColor() - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFColor
DXFContainer - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
A base class for containers of objects in a DXF document, including sections and tables.
DXFContainer() - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFContainer
DXFDocument - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing a DXF document, which owns a DXFCanvas on which drawing commands can be made.
DXFDocument() - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFDocument
Create a new DXFDocument
DXFDocument(String) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFDocument
Create a new DXF document with the specified comment in its header
DXFEllipse - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing an elliptical arc.
DXFEllipse(RealPoint, RealPoint, double, double, double, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFEllipse
Create an elliptical arc corresponding to the specified parameters.
DXFEntity - Interface in com.jsevy.adxf
Just a special case of DXFObjects used for graphical entities.
DXFLine - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing a line segment.
DXFLine(RealPoint, RealPoint, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFLine
Create a line segment between the specified endpoints.
DXFLWPolyline - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing a set of line segments defining a (possibly closed) polygon.
DXFLWPolyline(int, Vector<RealPoint>, boolean, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFLWPolyline
Create a set of line segments that connects the specified points, including a segment from the last to the first if closed is indicated.
DXFObject - Interface in com.jsevy.adxf
Interface for all DXF objects, including graphical entities.
DXFPoint - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing a simple point in a diagram.
DXFPoint(RealPoint, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFPoint
Create a point.
DXFSection - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
DXFContainer subclass for sections in the DXF document.
DXFSection(String) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFSection
Create a DXF section with the specified name.
DXFSpline - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing a general B-spline
DXFSpline(int, Vector<SplineControlPoint>, boolean, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFSpline
Create a spline of specified degree for the specified control points.
DXFStyle - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing a text style for use in a DXF document.
DXFStyle(Typeface) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFStyle
Create a style object corresponding to the supplied Android typeface object.
DXFTable - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing a DXF table which contains other DXF objects.
DXFTable(String) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFTable
Create a DXF table with the specified name.
DXFText - Class in com.jsevy.adxf
Class representing DXF text, located at a specified position and having specified style (font, size).
DXFText(String, RealPoint, DXFStyle, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFText
Create a text object at the specified position.
DXFText(String, RealPoint, float, DXFStyle, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFText
Create a text object at the specified position.
DXFText(String, RealPoint, float, float, DXFStyle, Paint) - Constructor for class com.jsevy.adxf.DXFText
Create a text object at the specified position.
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