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generateCircularArcs(boolean) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDocument
When true, the DXF output will include circles and circular arcs when appropriate rather than always using the more general elliptical arcs.
generatePoints(boolean) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDocument
When true, the DXF output will include points in place of zero-length lines and zero-radius circles.
getAttribute(int) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFXrecord
Get the String associated with the supplied group code, or null if no string is associated.
getBackground() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Return the current background color.
getClip() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Returns null, as clipping not supported
getClipBounds() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Returns null, as clipping not supported.
getClipBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Returns r, as clipping not supported.
getClipRect() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
getClosestDXFColor(int) - Static method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFColor
Find the closest match for a given RGB color in the standard DXF color table.
getColor() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Gets this graphic's foreground color.
getComposite() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Returns null; Composite not supported.
getCurvePoints(double) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.BSpline
Get a set of points on the spline curve, where the maximum distance between two adjacent points is given by tolerance.
getDeviceConfiguration() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Returns null; GraphicsConfiguration not supported.
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFArc
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFCircle
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFEllipse
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFEntity
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphicalEntity
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFInsert
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFLine
getDXFHatchInfo() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFSpline
getDXFLineWeight(double) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDatabaseObject
Utility to determine linewidth for DXF output
getFont() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Gets the current font.
getFontMetrics() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Gets the font metrics of the current font.
getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Gets the font metrics for the specified font.
getFontRenderContext() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Returns null; Font render context needed for Font sizing; use from current graphics environment.
getGraphics() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDocument
Get the DXFGraphics associated with this document for use with standard Graphics drawing operations to generate a DXF text representation.
getHandle() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDatabaseObject
Return handle for this object
getHandle() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDictionary
getHandleCount() - Static method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDatabaseObject
Return current handle count so can know what ones have been used
getName() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFDictionary
getName() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFLayer
Get the name of the layer, for use when generating DXF for entities
getName() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFLinetype
getNextName() - Static method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFLinetype
getPaint() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Just return the current foreground color object.
getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key) - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Return null; rendering hints not supported.
getRenderingHints() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Return null; rendering hints not supported.
getStroke() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Return our current pen stroke.
getStyleName() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFStyle
Get the name for this style object, for use within a DXFText entity.
getSupport() - Method in interface com.jsevy.jdxf.BasisFunction
getSupport() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.BSplineBasisFunction
getTransform() - Method in class com.jsevy.jdxf.DXFGraphics
Return a copy of the current graphics transformation being applied to drawing and text operations.
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