Uses of Class

Packages that use SNMPBadValueException
snmp The snmp package defines classes used to communicate with SNMP devices. 

Uses of SNMPBadValueException in snmp

Methods in snmp that throw SNMPBadValueException
static SNMPObject SNMPBERCodec.extractEncoding(snmp.SNMPTLV theTLV)
          Extracts an SNMP object given its type, length, value triple as an SNMPTLV object.
static snmp.SNMPTLV SNMPBERCodec.extractNextTLV(byte[] enc, int position)
          Extracts the type, length and value of the SNMP object whose BER encoding begins at the specified position in the given byte array.
 void SNMPCounter32.setValue(java.lang.Object newValue)
          Used to set the value with an instance of java.lang.Integer or java.lang.BigInteger.
 void SNMPCounter64.setValue(java.lang.Object newValue)
          Used to set the value with an instance of java.lang.Integer or java.lang.BigInteger.
 void SNMPGauge32.setValue(java.lang.Object newValue)
          Used to set the value with an instance of java.lang.Integer or java.lang.BigInteger.
 void SNMPIPAddress.setValue(java.lang.Object newAddress)
          Used to set the value from a byte array containing the address.
 void SNMPInteger.setValue(java.lang.Object newValue)
          Used to set the value with an instance of java.lang.Integer or java.lang.BigInteger.
 void SNMPInteger.extractValueFromBEREncoding(byte[] enc)
          Used to extract a value from the BER encoding of the value.
 java.lang.Object SNMPMessage.getPDUAsObject()
          Utility method which returns the PDU contained in the SNMP message as a plain Java Object.
          Utility method which returns the PDU contained in the SNMP message.
 SNMPv1TrapPDU SNMPMessage.getv1TrapPDU()
          Utility method which returns the PDU contained in the SNMP message as an SNMPv1TrapPDU.
 SNMPv2TrapPDU SNMPMessage.getv2TrapPDU()
          Utility method which returns the PDU contained in the SNMP message as an SNMPv2TrapPDU.
 java.lang.String SNMPMessage.getCommunityName()
          Utility method which returns the community name contained in the SNMP message.
 void SNMPNSAPAddress.setValue(java.lang.Object newAddress)
          Used to set the value from a byte array containing the address.
 void SNMPNull.setValue(java.lang.Object o)
          Always throws SNMPBadValueException (which null value did you want, anyway?)
abstract  void SNMPObject.setValue(java.lang.Object o)
          Must set the value of the SNMP object when supplied with an appropriate Java object containing an appropriate value.
 void SNMPObjectIdentifier.setValue(java.lang.Object digits)
          Used to set the value from an integer or long array containing the identifier components, or from a String containing a dot-separated sequence of nonegative values.
 void SNMPOctetString.setValue(java.lang.Object data)
          Used to set the value from a byte array.
 void SNMPSequence.setValue(java.lang.Object newSequence)
          Used to set the contained SNMP objects from a supplied Vector.
 void SNMPSequence.addSNMPObject(SNMPObject newObject)
          Add the SNMP object to the end of the sequence.
 void SNMPSequence.insertSNMPObjectAt(SNMPObject newObject, int index)
          Insert the SNMP object at the specified position in the sequence.
protected  void SNMPSequence.extractFromBEREncoding(byte[] enc)
 void SNMPUInteger32.setValue(java.lang.Object newValue)
          Used to set the value with an instance of java.lang.Integer or java.lang.BigInteger.
 void SNMPUnknownObject.setValue(java.lang.Object data)
          Takes a byte array containing the raw bytes stored as the value.
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.retrieveAllMIBInfo(java.lang.String startID)
          Retrieve all MIB variable values subsequent to the starting object identifier given in startID (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.getMIBEntry(java.lang.String itemID)
          Retrieve the MIB variable value corresponding to the object identifier given in itemID (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.getMIBEntry(java.lang.String[] itemID)
          Retrieve the MIB variable values corresponding to the object identifiers given in the array itemID (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.getNextMIBEntry(java.lang.String itemID)
          Retrieve the MIB variable value corresponding to the object identifier following that given in itemID (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.getNextMIBEntry(java.lang.String[] itemID)
          Retrieve the MIB variable value corresponding to the object identifiers following those given in the itemID array (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.setMIBEntry(java.lang.String itemID, SNMPObject newValue)
          Set the MIB variable value of the object identifier given in startID (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.setMIBEntry(java.lang.String[] itemID, SNMPObject[] newValue)
          Set the MIB variable values of the supplied object identifiers given in the itemID array (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.retrieveMIBTable(java.lang.String baseID)
          Retrieve all MIB variable values whose OIDs start with the supplied baseID.
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.retrieveMIBTable(java.lang.String[] baseID)
          Retrieve all MIB variable values whose OIDs start with the supplied baseIDs.

Constructors in snmp that throw SNMPBadValueException
SNMPv2BulkRequestPDU(int requestID, int nonRepeaters, int maxRepetitions, SNMPSequence varList)
          Create a new PDU of the specified type, with given request ID, non-repeaters, and max-repetitions fields, and containing the supplied SNMP sequence as data.
SNMPv2BulkRequestPDU(byte[] enc, byte pduType)
          Create a new PDU of the specified type from the supplied BER encoding.
SNMPCounter32(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, usually received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest.
SNMPCounter64(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, usually received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest.
SNMPGauge32(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, usually received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest.
SNMPIPAddress(java.lang.String string)
          Used to initialize from a string containing a standard "dotted" IP address.
SNMPIPAddress(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, as received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest, or from a supplied byte array containing the address components.
SNMPInteger(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, usually received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest.
SNMPMessage(byte[] enc)
          Construct an SNMPMessage from a received ASN.1 byte representation.
SNMPNSAPAddress(java.lang.String string)
SNMPNSAPAddress(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, as received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest, or from a supplied byte array containing the address components.
SNMPObjectIdentifier(java.lang.String digitString)
          Create a new object identifier from the supplied string of dot-separated nonegative decimal integer values.
SNMPObjectIdentifier(int[] digits)
          Create a new object identifier from the supplied array of nonegative integer values.
SNMPObjectIdentifier(long[] digits)
          Create a new object identifier from the supplied array of nonegative long values.
SNMPObjectIdentifier(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, as received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest.
SNMPPDU(byte pduType, int requestID, int errorStatus, int errorIndex, SNMPSequence varList)
          Create a new PDU of the specified type, with given request ID, error status, and error index, and containing the supplied SNMP sequence as data.
SNMPPDU(byte[] enc, byte pduType)
          Create a new PDU of the specified type from the supplied BER encoding.
SNMPSequence(java.util.Vector v)
          Create a new SNMP sequence from the supplied Vector of SNMPObjects.
SNMPSequence(byte[] enc)
          Construct an SNMPMessage from a received ASN.1 byte representation.
SNMPTimeTicks(byte[] enc)
SNMPUInteger32(byte[] enc)
          Used to initialize from the BER encoding, usually received in a response from an SNMP device responding to an SNMPGetRequest.
SNMPVariablePair(SNMPObjectIdentifier objectID, SNMPObject value)
          Create a new variable pair having the supplied object identifier and vale.
SNMPv1TrapPDU(SNMPObjectIdentifier enterpriseOID, SNMPIPAddress agentAddress, int genericTrap, int specificTrap, SNMPTimeTicks timestamp, SNMPSequence varList)
          Create a new Trap PDU of the specified type, with given request ID, error status, and error index, and containing the supplied SNMP sequence as data.
SNMPv1TrapPDU(SNMPObjectIdentifier enterpriseOID, SNMPIPAddress agentAddress, int genericTrap, int specificTrap, SNMPTimeTicks timestamp)
          Create a new Trap PDU of the specified type, with given request ID, error status, and error index, and containing an empty SNMP sequence (VarBindList) as additional data.
SNMPv1TrapPDU(byte[] enc)
          Create a new PDU of the specified type from the supplied BER encoding.
SNMPv2InformRequestPDU(SNMPTimeTicks sysUptime, SNMPObjectIdentifier snmpTrapOID, SNMPSequence varList)
          Create a new Inform Request PDU with given trapOID and sysUptime, and containing the supplied SNMP sequence as data.
SNMPv2InformRequestPDU(SNMPObjectIdentifier snmpTrapOID, SNMPTimeTicks sysUptime)
          Create a new Inform Request PDU with given trapOID and sysUptime, and containing an empty SNMP sequence (VarBindList) as additional data.
SNMPv2InformRequestPDU(byte[] enc)
          Create a new PDU of the specified type from the supplied BER encoding.
SNMPv2TrapPDU(SNMPTimeTicks sysUptime, SNMPObjectIdentifier snmpTrapOID, SNMPSequence varList)
          Create a new Trap PDU with given trapOID and sysUptime, and containing the supplied SNMP sequence as data.
SNMPv2TrapPDU(SNMPObjectIdentifier snmpTrapOID, SNMPTimeTicks sysUptime)
          Create a new Trap PDU with given trapOID and sysUptime, and containing an empty SNMP sequence (VarBindList) as additional data.
SNMPv2TrapPDU(byte[] enc)
          Create a new PDU of the specified type from the supplied BER encoding.