Uses of Class

Packages that use SNMPObject
snmp The snmp package defines classes used to communicate with SNMP devices. 

Uses of SNMPObject in snmp

Subclasses of SNMPObject in snmp
 class SNMPBitString
          Class representing a general string of bits.
 class SNMPCounter32
          Defines a 32-bit counter, whose value wraps if initialized with a larger value.
 class SNMPCounter64
          Defines a 64-bit counter, whose value wraps if initialized with a larger value.
 class SNMPGauge32
          Defines a 32-bit gauge, whose value "pegs" at the maximum if initialized with a larger value.
 class SNMPInteger
          Defines an arbitrarily-sized integer value; there is no limit on size due to the use of Java.lang.BigInteger to store the value internally.
 class SNMPIPAddress
          Class to hold IP addresses; special case of SNMP Octet String.
 class SNMPMessage
          Defines the SNMPMessage class as a special case of SNMPSequence.
 class SNMPNSAPAddress
          Defines class for holding physical 6-byte addresses.
 class SNMPNull
          Object representing the SNMP Null data type.
 class SNMPObjectIdentifier
          Class representing ASN.1 object identifiers.
 class SNMPOctetString
          Class representing a general string of octets.
 class SNMPPDU
          The SNMPPDU class represents an SNMP PDU from RFC 1157, as indicated below.
 class SNMPSequence
          One of the most important SNMP classes.
 class SNMPTimeTicks
          SNMP datatype used to represent time value.
 class SNMPUInteger32
          Defines a 32-bit unsigned integer value; wraps if initialized with a larger value.
 class SNMPUnknownObject
          Used when an unknown SNMP object type is encountered.
 class SNMPv1TrapPDU
          The SNMPTrapPDU class represents an SNMPv1 Trap PDU from RFC 1157, as indicated below.
 class SNMPv2BulkRequestPDU
          The SNMPv2BulkRequestPDU class represents an SNMPv2 Bulk Request PDU from RFC 1905, as indicated below.
 class SNMPv2InformRequestPDU
          The SNMPv2InformRequestPDU class represents an SNMPv2 Trap PDU from RFC 1448, as indicated below.
 class SNMPv2TrapPDU
          The SNMPv2TrapPDU class represents an SNMPv2 Trap PDU from RFC 1448, as indicated below.
 class SNMPVarBindList
          The SNMPVarBindList class is a specialization of SNMPSequence that contains a list of SNMPVariablePair objects.
 class SNMPVariablePair
          The SNMPVariablePair class implements the VarBind specification detailed below from RFC 1157.

Methods in snmp that return SNMPObject
static SNMPObject SNMPBERCodec.extractEncoding(snmp.SNMPTLV theTLV)
          Extracts an SNMP object given its type, length, value triple as an SNMPTLV object.
 SNMPObject SNMPSequence.getSNMPObjectAt(int index)
          Return the SNMP object at the specified index.

Methods in snmp with parameters of type SNMPObject
 void SNMPSequence.addSNMPObject(SNMPObject newObject)
          Add the SNMP object to the end of the sequence.
 void SNMPSequence.insertSNMPObjectAt(SNMPObject newObject, int index)
          Insert the SNMP object at the specified position in the sequence.
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.setMIBEntry(java.lang.String itemID, SNMPObject newValue)
          Set the MIB variable value of the object identifier given in startID (in dotted-integer notation).
 SNMPVarBindList SNMPv1CommunicationInterface.setMIBEntry(java.lang.String[] itemID, SNMPObject[] newValue)
          Set the MIB variable values of the supplied object identifiers given in the itemID array (in dotted-integer notation).

Constructors in snmp with parameters of type SNMPObject
SNMPVariablePair(SNMPObjectIdentifier objectID, SNMPObject value)
          Create a new variable pair having the supplied object identifier and vale.